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Paper: Co-occurrence Evidence for Subject Vocabulary Reconciliation in ADS Databases
Volume: 172, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems VIII
Page: 287
Authors: Lee, Jonghoon; Dubin, David S.; Kurtz, Michael J.
Abstract: The NASA Astrophysics Data System gives astronomers all over the world access to over a million abstracts in the areas of astronomy and astrophysics, instrumentation, physics and geophysics. A mixture of indexing vocabularies has limited ADS searchers' ability to conduct precise subject searches, but prospects for a single consistent vocabulary of descriptors are promising. We report results of an ongoing project to reconcile the heterogeneous indexing (keywords, index terms, and subject headings) applied to the existing ADS records. Evidence for term mappings are sought in the consistent assignment of different descriptors to the same documents. We describe the apprehension of this evidence through the use a spreading activation network. Design and deployment of an experimental interface to assess these mappings is now under way.
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