Paper: |
The Shapes of Elliptical Galaxies with Massive Dark Objects and Central Density Cusps |
Volume: |
182, Galaxy Dynamics: A Rutgers Symposium |
Page: |
142 |
Authors: |
Ryden, Barbara S. |
Abstract: |
For a sample of 22 core ellipticals and 22 power law ellipticals, I examine the apparent axis ratios of isophotes as a function of dynamical time. The core galaxies are significantly rounder than the power law galaxies in the region where the dynamical time is short (~ 1 Myr). In the outer regions (tdyn > 10 {Myr}), the two types have indistinguishable shape distributions. The inner isophotes of core galaxies are consistent with their being randomly oriented oblate objects, with a peak intrinsic axis ratio of γ = 0.86. The outer regions of core galaxies are inconsistent with their being randomly oriented oblate or prolate objects. |