Paper: |
The Alcock-Paczynski Test for the Lyα Forest: First Results from Magellan and the MMT |
Volume: |
339, Observing Dark Energy |
Page: |
172 |
Authors: |
Eriksen, K.A.; Marble, A.R.; Impey, C.D.; Bai, L.; Petry, C.E. |
Abstract: |
The only direct measurement to date of the cosmological acceleration is from the dimming of SN Ia at high redshift. Although this result has become well established since its announcement (Riess et al. 1998; Perlmutter et al. 1999), the observable signature in SN is small and subject to challenging systematic effects in reddening, evolution, etc. Alcock and Paczynski (1979) propose an alternative, purely geometric cosmological test in which the extent of an isotropic ensemble is measured in redshift space and in angular extent (which is dependent on the metric through the angular diameter distance). This test is primarily sensitive to the contribution of dark energy and is independent of standard candles and the CMB. Recently, other groups (Hui et al. 1999; McDonald 2003) have suggested that the Alcock-Paczynski test be applied to the clustering of the Lyman-α forest of a large number of arcminute-scale quasar pairs. We present here our absorption line spectroscopy of 25 QSO pairs taken with MMT and Magellan telescopes and discuss the implications for dark energy. |