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Paper: The Digital Zenith Camera TZK2-D - A Modern High-Precision Geodetic Instrument for Automatic Geographic Positioning in Real-Time
Volume: 295, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XII
Page: 156
Authors: Hirt, C.
Abstract: The digital zenith camera TZK2-D is a geodetic state-of-the-art instrument for determining geographic longitude and latitude fully automatically. Using CCD technology for imaging stars and a GPS-receiver for precise time measurement, this instrument allows real-time geographic positioning with an accuracy of 0.2 seconds of arc. The digital zenith camera is used for fast and high-precision determination of the plumb line and its vertical deflection applied for the local gravity field determination in geodesy. In astronomy, high-precision pointing of large telescopes can be supported by the knowledge of the plumb line and its vertical deflection provided by the digital zenith camera in combination with a GPS receiver.
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