Paper: |
Pointing Refinement of SIRTF Images |
Volume: |
295, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XII |
Page: |
391 |
Authors: |
Masci, F.; Makovoz, D.; Moshir, M.; Shupe, D.; Fowler, J. W. |
Abstract: |
The soon-to-be-launched Space Infrared Telescope Facility (SIRTF) should produce image data with an a-posteriori pointing knowledge of 1.4 arcsec (1σ radial) with a goal of 1.2 arcsec in the International Celestial Reference System (ICRS). To perform robust image coaddition, mosaic generation, extraction and position determination of faint sources, the pointing will need to be refined to better than a few-tenths of an arcsecond. This paper summarizes the pointing-refinement algorithm and presents the results of testing on simulated data. |