Paper: |
The Red-Sequence Cluster Surveys |
Volume: |
379, Cosmic Frontiers |
Page: |
103 |
Authors: |
Yee, H.K.C.; Gladders, M.D.; Gilbank, D.G.; Majumdar, S.; Hoekstra, H.; Ellingson, E.; the RCS-2 Collaboration |
Abstract: |
The Red-Sequence Cluster Surveys (RCS-1 and RCS-2) are large optical imaging surveys optimized to create well-characterized catalogs of clusters of galaxies up to a redshift of ~ 1. We describe our first cosmological analysis, using the self-calibration technique, of a cluster sample of ~ 1000 from the 90 sq. deg RCS-1, using optical richness as a mass proxy. We obtain values for the cosmological parameters Ωm and σ8 that are in excellent agreement with the year-three WMAP results. Furthermore, the derived cluster richness-mass relationship is entirely consistent with those measured directly using dynamical mass measurements. We describe briefly the on-going RCS-2, which is a 1000 sq. deg survey carried out using the one-square-degree MegaCam on the CFHT. This survey, in z′, r and g bands, will produce a cluster sample of several 104 clusters up to z ~ 1, and will allow us to constrain the dark energy equation of state, w, and provide a large cluster sample for the studies of cluster evolution and lensing. |