Paper: |
The Spitzer View of Low-Metallicity Star Formation: Haro 3 |
Volume: |
381, The Second Annual Spitzer Science Center Conference: Infrared Diagnostics of Galaxy Evolution |
Page: |
157 |
Authors: |
Hunt, L.K.; Thuan, T.X.; Sauvage, M.; Izotov, Y.I. |
Abstract: |
Dusty star formation plays a key role in the early universe, although it is often assumed in galaxy formation scenarios that dust is essentially absent. To model and interpret spectra of high redshift galaxies, it is crucial to understand how and when this ubiquitous dust component is formed, and how it affects the spectral energy distribution (SED) of galaxies by redistributing the UV-optical energy radiated by the young stars in the star-forming regions to IR energies. Low-metallicity blue compact dwarf galaxies (BCDs) constitute the best local approximation to primordial galaxies because of their chemically unenriched interstellar medium. In this poster, we present IRAC, IRS, and MIPS observations of Haro 3; these observations are part of a larger project approved in Cycle 1 to obtain Spitzer observations of more than 20 BCDs with oxygen abundances ranging between 7.4 < 12 + log(O/H) < 8.4. Here, we examine the mid-IR morphology and spectral features of Haro 3, and fit the SED with the DUSTY model for embedded star clusters. In the end, we aim to construct a library of IR SEDs spanning as wide a range of dust properties and physical conditions as possible, to serve as local templates for high-redshift starbursts. |