Paper: |
The CORNISH Survey of the Galactic Plane |
Volume: |
387, Massive Star Formation: Observations Confront Theory |
Page: |
389 |
Authors: |
Purcell, C.R.; Hoare, M.G.; Diamond, P.; the CORNISH team |
Abstract: |
The CORNISH (Co-Ordinated Radio ‘N’ Infrared Survey for High-mass star formation) project is the radio continuum part of a series of multi-wavelength surveys of the Galactic Plane that focus on the northern GLIMPSE region (10° < l < 65°, |b| < 1°), observed by the SPITZER satellite in the mid-infrared. The survey was awarded over 400 hours of VLA time using B and BnA configurations at 5GHz. This yields ∼1 arcsecond resolution and a root-mean-squared noise level of ∼0.4 mJy/beam, sufficient to detect UCHII regions produced by B3 stars or earlier right across the Galaxy. In addition, the survey will furnish samples of a wide range of radio sources, including planetary nebulae, ionised winds from evolved massive stars, non-thermal emission from active stars, high energy sources, active galactic nuclei and radio galaxies. Here we report the progress of the ongoing observations and present an initial sample of the data. |