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Paper: Prototype LPDA Tracking System for the Gauribidanur Radioheliograph
Volume: 345, From Clark Lake to the Long Wavelength Array: Bill Erickson's Radio Science
Page: 371
Authors: Sundaram, G.A.S.; Subramanian, K.R.; Rajan, M.S.S.; Chellaswamy, E.E.; Ramesh, R.
Abstract: In order to observe transient and time-varying solar coronal events like intense radio bursts and Coronal Mass Ejections at metric wavelengths over prolonged periods of time, the current meridian-transit instrument, the Gauribidanur Radioheliograph (GRH), requires an upgrade that would track its spatio-spectral and temporal evolution. This upgrade has been implemented into a prototype scale of the GRH, so that multi-frequency radio imaging and spectral observations could be carried out unhindered for about four hours every day, in the 30 - 150 MHz range. The “tracking system” is implemented based on electronic beam-steering techniques, employing the time-delay control concept, at an interference-free frequency of 77.5 MHz.
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