Paper: |
The GRB All-sky Spectrometer Experiment (GASE) |
Volume: |
345, From Clark Lake to the Long Wavelength Array: Bill Erickson's Radio Science |
Page: |
512 |
Authors: |
Morales, M.F.; Hewitt, J.N.; Kasper, J.C.; Lane, B.; Bowman, J.; Ray, P.S.; Cappallo, R.J. |
Abstract: |
Recent theoretical developments concerning the plasma physics near the GRB blast wave have renewed interest in the properties of impulsive low frequency radio emission from GRBs. Prompt coherent low frequency radio emission would provide a unique probe of the plasma conditions near the blast wave during the period of peak particle acceleration and gamma ray emission. In this paper we introduce the GRB All-sky Spectrometer Experiment (GASE). This experiment will make use of advances in digital technology to record 4 MHz of bandwidth in eight 30 MHz dipole antennas for two hours after a Swift or HETE-2 trigger is received. Due to the long dispersion delay at low frequencies, this allows contemporaneous measurements of the gamma ray and radio emission. The high spectral resolution of GASE will allow the predicted prompt 30 MHz signal from GRBs to be fully de-dispersed and identified. The combination of high spectral resolution, full-sky imaging, and (if required) geographically separated detectors will also provide stringent rejection of radio interference. |