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Paper: EdSkyQuery-G: A Data Federation Grid Architecture for Astronomy
Volume: 347, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XIV
Page: 301
Authors: Hills, B.; Campbell, A.; Gray, A.; Baxter, R.M.; Trew, A.S.; Mann, B.G.; Hill, M.C.; Sugden, T.P.
Abstract: EdSkyQuery-G extends ideas developed by SkyQuery and the Global Grid Forum's Data Access and Integration Services working group to build an open-standards data federation tool for astronomy. EdSkyQuery-G's aim is to use Eldas (from eDIKT at the UK's National e-Science Centre) and OGSA-DAI (from EPCC at the University of Edinburgh and IBM) interchangeably, building a true loosely-coupled distributed data federation architecture based on emerging web and Grid service standards.
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