Paper: |
Evolution of Disk Profile Break Radii with Redshift |
Volume: |
396, Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Disks |
Page: |
417 |
Authors: |
Azzollini, R.; Trujillo, I.; Beckman, J.E. |
Abstract: |
We present an analysis of the surface brightness profiles of a sample of 435 late type galaxies with redshift extending up to z ∼ 1. We have used imaging data from GOODS-South HST/ACS (Giavalisco et al. 2004). We have classified the profiles, obtained at a constant rest-frame wavelength (∼ B band), noting the existence and type of ‘breaks’ in them. In the above sample, 242 are classified as Type II (i.e., ‘truncated’ or ‘downbending’). Focusing on these galaxies, we show results on their break radii (i.e., a direct estimator of the size of the stellar disk) and surface brightness at the break. This is explored as a function of redshift. This sample of Type II galaxies at mid-high redshift is an order of magnitude larger than those reported in analogous previous studies. Our results suggest that, at a given stellar mass, the radial position of the break has increased with cosmic time by a factor of 1.4 in the last ∼8 Gyr. This is in agreement with a moderate inside-out growth of the disk galaxies since z ∼ 1. After correcting from the cosmological dimming, we also report an increase of ∼ 3 mag arcsec−2 in the surface brightness at the break position in the same period. |