Paper: |
Non-spherical Mass Outflow from RS Ophiuchi During its 2006 Outburst |
Volume: |
401, RS Ophiuchi (2006) and the Recurrent Nova Phenomenon |
Page: |
227 |
Authors: |
Skopal, A.; Pribulla, T.; Buil, Ch.; Vittone, A.; Errico, L. |
Abstract: |
We present results of our modeling of the Hα line profile during the 2006 outburst of RS Oph. At day 1.38 it was possible to fit the very broad component of the Hα by a bipolar wind model. The model corresponds to a very fast acceleration of the wind particles, and the line luminosity of ∼ 2 900(d/1.6 kpc)2 L⊙, to a mass-loss rate of ∼ (1−2)×10−4M⊙ yr−1. During days 10−30 the broad component shrank to FWZI ∼ 1 800km s−1. It could be associated with expanding ring and its satellite components at ∼ ±2 430km s−1 with bipolar jets. Later observations made at day 57 and 209 indicated a decrease in both the mass-loss rate (∼ 1×10−5 −1×10−6M⊙ yr−1) and the wind acceleration. During the quiet phase, emission bumps observed sporadically in the line wings could reflect clumpy ejections by the central star. |