Paper: |
Magnetic Activity on the Sun Revealed by Hinode/SOT (Keynote) |
Volume: |
415, The Second Hinode Science Meeting: Beyond Discovery-Toward Understanding |
Page: |
101 |
Authors: |
Chae, J.; Park S. |
Abstract: |
Hinode observations have given us an unprecedented opportunity for understanding fine-scale magnetic activities on the Sun. The data produced by the Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) are particularly useful in the investigation of the interaction between magnetic field and plasma in the photosphere and chromosphere, opening the new era of observational magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). As an illustration, we would like to introduce new results and questions in three topics we have worked on. One is the nature of magnetic reconnection in the chromosphere as manifest in the flux cancellation observed in the photosphere. Our new result is that the rates of flux cancellation determined from Hinode/SOT are much higher than those determined from SOHO/MDI. Another topic is the determination of scale-dependent magnetic diffusivity in the photosphere, which seems to be closely related to the turbulent cascade of magnetoconvection. Finally, we will present our finding of a pattern of horizontal flows in a quiescent prominence that consists of a number of vertical threads. We think this flow pattern is an important clue to solving the mystery of vertical threads and downflows along the threads in quiescent prominences. |