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Paper: Stickiness
Volume: 424, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of the Hellenic Astronomical Society
Page: 355
Authors: Contopoulos, G.; Harsoula, M.
Abstract: We study stickiness in a system of 2 degrees of freedom. We distinguish two main types of stickiness (a) stickiness around an island of stability, which is surrounded by cantori with small holes, and (b) stickiness close to the unstable asymptotic curves of unstable periodic orbits, that extend to large distances in the chaotic sea. We consider various factors that affect the time scale of stickiness around an island of stability and we find the stickiness times along the asymptotic curves. An important application of stickiness is in the outer spiral arms of strong. These spiral arms consist mainly of chaotic orbits. Such orbits may escape to large distances, or to infinity, but because of stickiness they support the spiral arms for very long times compared with the age of the Universe.
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