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Paper: Telescope Bibliography Cookbook: Creating a Database of Scientific Papers that Use Observational Data
Volume: 433, Library and Information Services in Astronomy VI: 21st Century Astronomy Librarianship, From New Ideas to Action
Page: 109
Authors: Kitt, S.; Grothkopf, U.
Abstract: This paper explains the procedures involved in creating a database of scientific papers that use observational data and linking the records to the observations residing in a data archive. Based on our experiences with the ESO Telescope Bibliography, we describe the workflow we apply in order to retrieve relevant articles, assign tags to describe the observing facilities that generated the data, and identify the correct program identification numbers (IDs). These program identifiers are particularly important as they link the published papers and the underlying data and enable scientists to access the data for new studies.

With the understanding that the difficulty of compiling correct and complete data varies, depending on the information readily provided in the published literature, this paper proposes an evolution of search options for finding appropriate ID numbers. To explore the process and its various stages, we use the analogy of the “cookbook.” These search methodologies might be labeled fast, medium, and slow heat recipes within our culinary theme.

We provide a step-by-step guide in order to assist other bibliography compilers, in particular those who are new to the field.
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