Paper: |
Building the Chandra Source Catalog |
Volume: |
351, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XV |
Page: |
65 |
Authors: |
Evans, I.; Doe, S.; Evans, J.; Fabbiano, G.; Glotfelty, K.; Grier, J.; Hain, R.; Karovska, M.; McCollough, M.; Plummer, D.; Primini, F.; Rots, A.; Slavin, J.; Wise, M. |
Abstract: |
The Chandra Source Catalog will be the definitive catalog of all X-ray sources detected by the Chandra X-ray Observatory. For each X-ray source, the catalog will list the source position and a detailed set of source properties, including commonly used quantities such as source dimensions, multi-band fluxes, and hardness ratios. In addition to these traditional catalog elements, the catalog will include additional source data that can be manipulated interactively, including source images, event lists, light curves, and spectra from each observation in which a source is detected. |