Paper: |
Magnetic Field Measurements on the Classical T Tauri Star BP Tauri |
Volume: |
448, 16th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun |
Page: |
285 |
Authors: |
Chen, W.; Johns-Krull, C. M. |
Abstract: |
We apply our newly developed least-squares deconvolution (LSD) code to several solar-like stars as tests of the code and to 6 nights of observations of BP Tau to measure the mean longitudinal magnetic field on the stellar surface. Null results or weak fields are detected on the solar-like stars as is expected, while a maximum of 180 ± 30 G is detected from the photospheric lines of BP Tau. A 400 G dipole tilted at 113° with respect to the rotation axis fits our photospheric measurements well. Measurements of several emision lines (He I 5876 Å, Ca II 8498 Å and 8542 Å) show the presence of strong magnetic fields in the line formation regions, which are believed to be the base of the accretion footpoints. |