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Paper: X-ray Absorbers, MHD Winds, and AGN Unification
Volume: 460, AGN Winds in Charleston
Page: 181
Authors: Kazanas, D.; Fukumura, K.; Behar, E.; Contopoulos, I
Abstract: We propose that the ensemble of AGN X-ray absorber data can be accounted for in terms of MHD winds launched off their accretion disks. We note, in particular, that the winds that fit the absorption features of the Chandra and XMM Seyfert spectra ought to have density profiles ∝ 1/r. Our models can produce 2D winds with the required density profiles and a very steep dependence in the polar angle θ; as such they can naturally serve as the “tori” required by the AGN unification. The winds and absorption spectra of our models depend on just two parameters, the dimensionless mass flux rate ṁ, and the disk inclination angle relative to the observer's line of sight θ.
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