Paper: |
Massive Stars Near the Eddington Limit: Mass Loss and Envelope
Inflation |
Volume: |
465, Four Decades of Massive Star Research - A Scientific Meeting in Honor of Anthony J. Moffat |
Page: |
202 |
Authors: |
Gräfener, G.; Vink, J. S.; Owocki, S. P. |
Abstract: |
When massive stars approach the Eddington limit, their outer
envelopes and winds become dominated by ‘opacity peaks’, i.e. by
material properties. We discuss the physical consequences, namely
the formation of strong Wolf-Rayet (WR) type winds and a radial
extension of the stellar envelopes. The understanding of the
physical processes in this regime is of basic importance for key
phases of stellar evolution, such as the WR and LBV stage, and thus
for questions on how massive stars evolve and how they end their
lives. |