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Paper: Asynchronous Polar BY Cam: the Spin-orbital Synchronization and Variation of Accretion Geometry on the 8-year Time Scale
Volume: 469, 18th European White Dwarf Workshop (EUROWD12)
Page: 343
Authors: Pavlenko, E.; Andreev, M.; Babina, Y.; Malanushenko, V.
Abstract: Attempts to estimate the time of a spin-orbital synchronization for asynchronous polar BY Cam have been made many times since 1994 year. However the estimates obtained did not coincide in a wide region, varying from 150 years (Piirola et al. 1994) up to >3500 years (Kafka et al. 2005). We have undertaken photometric observations of BY Cam over 8.1 years (2004 – 2012) and collected an array of data covering 998 hours during 178 nights. Analyzing the data, we have obtained the most reliable estimate of the spin-orbital time synchronization, Ts = 250±20 years, which agrees very well with both Ts = 150– 290 yrs for asynchronous polar V1500 Cyg (Pavlenko & Pelt 1991); (Stockman et al. 1988) and the theoretically predicted Ts < 1000 yr for asynchronous polars as a whole (Andronov 1987). We also found that the accretion stream switches between two dipole magnetic poles and the equatorial magnetic poles during a synodic ∼ 15-d cycle; the number of switching and their phases can be kept during neighbor cycles but varies on a scale of years. Probably this may depend on the phase of the long-term ∼ 1500 day periodicity (Andreev et al. 2012).
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