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Paper: Decoupled Gas Kinematics in Isolated Early-Type Disc Galaxies
Volume: 486, Multi-Spin Galaxies
Page: 149
Authors: Katkov, I.; Sil'chenko, O. K.; Afanasiev, V.
Abstract: We have studied a sample of completely isolated galaxies by means of long-slit spectroscopy at the 6-m telescope. We have found that 7 of 12, (58±14)%, galaxies have revealed a presence of large-scale ionized-gas component which angular momentum is mostly differ from stellar one: 5 of 7, (71±17)%, show a visible counter-rotation. The diagnostic diagram demonstrates a wide range of gas excitation mechanism. We have estimated the gas oxygen abundance in the cases where excitation mechanism by young stars dominates and have found that ionized gas has a sub-solar metallicity. We concluded that cold-gas accretion from primordial cosmological filaments is unlikely for these objects, while external accretion from dwarf gas-rich satellites is more suitable.
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