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Paper: Dust Production by Metal-Poor AGB Stars: the Peculiar Environments of Globular Clusters
Volume: 497, Why Galaxies Care about AGB Stars III: A Closer Look in Space and Time
Page: 489
Authors: McDonald, I.
Abstract: Giant stars replenish the interstellar media (ISM) of globular clusters, but few such ISM are seen. We propose ISM are ejected by white dwarfs, which can ionise them very efficiently, and that ISM thermally expand to overflow the clusters' tidal boundaries. Clusters are cleared on a dynamical timescale of a few Myr. This process can potentially account for both the maximum mass of a globular cluster (∼107 M) and the peculiar elemental enrichments seen in them. Dust and molecules produced in all kinds of clusters should be ionised and not escape into the ISM of host galaxies.
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