Paper: |
Self-adaptive Event-Driven Simulations of Multi-Scale Plasma Systems |
Volume: |
359, Numerical Modeling of Space Plasma Flows: Astronum-2006 |
Page: |
171 |
Authors: |
Omelchenko, Y.; Karimabadi, H.; Goldstein, M.L.; Usmanov, A.V. |
Abstract: |
Multi-scale systems pose a formidable computational challenge. Explicit time stepping suffers from the global CFL restriction. Efficient application of adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) to systems with irregular dynamics (e.g. turbulence, reactive systems, particle acceleration etc.) may be problematic. To address these issues, we developed an alternative approach (Karimabadi et al. 2005; Omelchenko & Karimabadi 2006a,b) to time-stepped integration of physics-based systems: Discrete-Event Simulation (DES). We combine finitedi fference and particle-in-cell techniques with this new methodology by assuming two caveats: (1) a local time increment, Δf for a discrete quantity f can be expressed in terms of a physically meaningful increment, Δf; (2) f is considered to be modified only when its change exceeds Δf. Event-driven asynchronous time advance makes use of local causality rules. This technique enables fluxconserving integration of the solution, removes the curse of global CFL condition, and eliminates unnecessary computation in inactive regions. It can be naturally combined with various mesh refinement techniques. DES results in robust and fast simulation codes, which can be efficiently parallelized when implemented via a Preemptive Event Processing (PEP) technique (Omelchenko & Karimabadi 2006c). We discuss this novel technology in the context of diffusionreaction and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) applications, as well as general model-model (flux) coupling. |