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Paper: Aladin Lite: Status and Perspectives
Volume: 512, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXV
Page: 105
Authors: Boch, T.; Fernique, P.
Abstract: Aladin Lite is a lightweight version of the Aladin tool, running in the browser and geared towards simple visualization of a sky region. Launched in 2013, it has quickly gained traction and interest from various projects. We give in this paper an overview of the current status of Aladin Lite. We will describe how Aladin Lite is used both inside CDS and by external projects in different contexts, including: to visualize results; as a central part of a discovery portal; as a visualization tool for outreach images. We will also present some recent additions and new developments: revamped and improved documentation; support for progressive catalogues; visualization of MOC (Multi-Order Coverage maps); easy access to Simbad, VizieR and NED data; previewing FITS images. Eventually, we will detail planned developments for the near future, including visualization of cubes and HTTPS support.
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