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Paper: SIRENA: A Software Package for the Energy Reconstruction of the Athena X-IFU Events
Volume: 512, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXV
Page: 605
Authors: Ceballos, M.T.; Cobo, B.; Peille, P.; Wilms, J.; Brand, T.; Dauser, T.; Bandler, S.; Smith, S.
Abstract: SIRENA is the software package developed to reconstruct the energy of the X-ray events detected by the X-IFU instrument of the Athena observatory. It is currently integrated in a larger project for end-to-end simulations. Data are simulated and inititally triggered by the SIXTE and afterwards the energy is reconstructed by SIRENA. While the baseline implementation is based on the optimal filtering technique, we present some other algorithms that are also being considered, such as covariance matrices or resistance space analysis. The performance of these algorithms should be finally analyzed in terms of energy resolution and computing resources. The integration of SIRENA into SIXTE allows an integral study of different triggering algorithms, reconstruction techniques, and instrument configurations, and their optimization for in-flight use. The best performance algorithms for event triggering and energy determination will be finally implemented on board in the X-IFU Digital Readout Electronics (DRE) unit.
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