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Paper: Polarized Line Formation: Methods and Solutions
Volume: 526, Solar Polarization Workshop 8
Page: 99
Authors: Nagendra, K. N.
Abstract: In this paper I briefly review few methods that we have developed over the past several years for solving polarized line transfer problems of varying degrees of complexity. I describe the way in which the complexity of the transfer problem increases as one introduces the physics of partial frequency redistribution (PRD), magnetic field, multi-level coupling, the velocity fields, and finally multi-D effects in the line forming region. Examples are given to demonstrate how the methods are applied after suitable modifications. The methods are qualitatively compared in terms of their numerical performance. Some sample results are shown to demonstrate the usefulness of these methods in theoretical modeling of the solar polarimetric data. The results discussed are Hanle effect, the J and F state quantum interference effects, the effects of angle-dependent PRD, the effects of macroscopic velocity fields on the spectral lines formed in the solar atmosphere, and finally transfer effects in multi-D geometry.
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