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Paper: Experience in Software Development and Management
Volume: 527, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXIX
Page: 135
Authors: Wu, X.
Abstract: Software development has evolved over years, from a single person writing code to a group of developers collaborating on a project; from simply using copies of code as version managements to using version control software like cvs, svn, git; from using a list to track features and bugs to using issue tracking systems like GNATS, Jira; from using simple cc and make to using ant, Jenkins to build the system. I have experienced all of the above in my 30 years of software development career, from being the sole developer to being team manager of five to ten developers. In this talk, I will speak about the wonders of progress in version control and issue tracking systems, lessons learned in managing a team transition from one system to another, instituting the code review process, and the benefits of automatic build for branch testing.
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