Paper: |
Origin of the Hot Plasma in the Galactic Center X-ray Emission |
Volume: |
528, New Horizons in Galactic Center Astronomy and Beyond |
Page: |
449 |
Authors: |
Yamauchi, S. |
Abstract: |
The Galactic center X-ray emission (GCXE) is composed of high temperature (∼7keV, HTP) and low temperature (∼1keV, LTP) plasmas and non-thermal component with an emission line at 6.4 keV. The HTP is smoothly distributed in the Galactic center (GC) region and the spectrum exhibits intense iron lines at 6.4, 6.7, and 6.97 keV. On the other hand, the LTP is more clumpy. In the S XV Heα line band map, several clumps, horn-like structures, and a ring-like superbubble candidate are clearly seen. The spectra of the local clumps and the LTP are well represented by an absorbed thin thermal plasma model with a temperature of 0.6–1 keV and Si and S abundances of ∼0.6–1.5 solar. The abundances are larger than those of known point sources, typically coronal active stars and RS CVn-type active binaries. The spectral features and the spatial distributions of the GCXE are much different from those of stellar objects. Based on the observational results, majority of the GCXE does not come from stellar objects and would be diffuse plasma origin. |