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Paper: Backyard Worlds: Cool Neighbors---Post-launch Performance and a First Proper Motion Discovery
Volume: 540, Compendium of Undergraduate Research in Astronomy and Space Science
Page: 19
Authors: Robbins, G.; Meisner, A. M.; Humphreys, A.; Schapera, E.; Caselden, D.; Kirkpatrick, J. D.; Schneider, A. C.; Alexandrov, S.; Bickle, T. P.; Kabatnik, M.; Schumann, J.; da Silva, C. M.; Tanner, C.; Johnson, L. C.; Kuchner, M. J.; Faherty, J. K.; Casewell, S. L.; Marocco, F.; Burgasser, A. J.
Abstract: Backyard Worlds: Cool Neighbors launched via the Zooniverse online crowdsourcing platform in June 2023, pursuing ultracool dwarf discoveries through citizen science. Since the project’s launch, tens of thousands of ultracool dwarf candidates have been reviewed by Cool Neighbors volunteers to visually confirm (or refute) their status as high proper motion objects. We present a summary of the Cool Neighbors launch and highlight CWISE J133605.65+505330.9 as a first moving object discovery from the Cool Neighbors project. Based on photometry available for CWISE J133605.65+505330.9, we estimate it to be an early L or late M dwarf with polynomial relations yielding a photometric type of L1.2 ± 0.7 and a distance estimate of 127 ± 6 pc. The Backyard Worlds: Cool Neighbors project will continue to review ultracool dwarf candidates through crowd-sourcing during future years of operation.
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