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Paper: Evolution of Hα Kernels and Energy Release in an X-Class Flare
Volume: 369, New Solar Physics with Solar-B Mission
Page: 461
Authors: Asai, A.; Yokoyama, T.; Shimojo, M.; Masuda, S.; Shibata, K.
Abstract: The investigation on the evolution of Hα kernels allows us to derive some key information on the energy release processes and the particle acceleration mechanisms during a flare. We report a detailed examination on the relationship between the evolution of the Hα flare ribbons and the released magnetic energy during an X2.3 solar flare which occurred on 2001 April 10. In the Hα images, several bright kernels were observed in the flare ribbons. We identified the conjugated footpoints, by analyzing the light curve at each Hα kernel, and showed their connectivities during the flare. Then, based on the magnetic reconnection model, we calculated quantitatively the released energy by using the photospheric magnetic field strengths and the separation speeds of the fronts of the Hα flare ribbons. We confirmed that the estimated energy release rate corresponds to the nonthermal emission light curves at the strong emission sources. Finally, we examined the downward motions at the Hα kernels. The “red-asymmetry” features, generated by the precipitation of the nonthermal particles and/or thermal conduction into the chromospheric plasma, were observed for all the flare ribbons. We also found that the stronger the redasymmetry tends to be associated with the brighter Hα kernel.
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