Paper: |
Specola 2000: A Project for the Preservation of the Historical Archives of the Twelve Italian Astronomical Observatories |
Volume: |
377, Library and Information Services in Astronomy V: Common Challenges, Uncommon Solutions |
Page: |
361 |
Authors: |
Mandrino, A.; Randazzo, D.; Schiavone, L. |
Abstract: |
The historical archives of the Italian Astronomical Observatories contain valuable information on their institutional and scientific life. Due to the lack of proper inventories, however, the wealth of historical data contained in the archives has not always been used to its full extent. A joint effort started in 1999 by the former Ufficio Centrale Beni Archivistici (now Direzione Generale per gli Archivi) of the Italian Ministero per i Beni e le Attivita Culturali, Societá Astronomica Italiana and the former Consorzio Nazionale per l'Astronomia e l'Astrofisica, aimed at the inventorying and preservation of the archives. Seven years after its start, the project has reached the second of four planned phases. |