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Paper: On best distance estimators and galaxy streaming
Volume: 4, The Extragalactic Distance Scale: Proceedings of the ASP 100th Anniversary Symposium
Page: 307
Authors: Lynden-Bell, D.; Burstein, David; Davies, Roger L.; Dressler, Alan; Faber, S. M.
Abstract: The best distance indicator that can be formed by linearly combining n logarithmic observables measured for each member of a cluster is determined. The sigma, Dn relationship can hardly be improved by using all 8 of the observables. The evidence for galaxy streaming from both the elliptical galaxy survey and the best AHM data is portrayed in new diagrams. These show the motions that led first to bulk streaming and then to the great attractor model. It may be significant that the best fitting great attractor model places it at the edge of the good data. The redshift surveys indicate a large concentration of galaxies there but both IRAS and optical dipoles indicate that at least half of the local group's motion is more probably generated by the gravity of closer galaxies. However, those methods ignore matter masked by the galactic plane so the result might change when hidden parts of the great attractor are included.
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