Paper: |
Magnetic heating of stellar chromospheres and coronae |
Volume: |
9, Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun: Sixth Cambridge Workshop |
Page: |
15 |
Authors: |
van Ballegooijen, A. A. |
Abstract: |
The theoretical discussion of magnetic heating focuses on heating by dissipation of field-aligned electric currents. Several mechanisms are set forth to account for the very high current densities needed to generate the heat, but observed radiative losses do not justify the resultant Ohmic heating rate. Tearing modes, 'turbulent resistivity', and 'hyper-resistivity' are considered to resolve the implied inefficiency of coronal heating. Because the mechanisms are not readily applicable to the sun, transverse magnetic energy flows and magnetic flare release are considered to account for the magnitude of observed radiative loss. High-resolution observations of the sun are concluded to be an efficient way to examine the issues of magnetic heating in spite of the very small spatial scales of the heating processes. |