Paper: |
Globular clusters in the Sombrero galaxy (M104) |
Volume: |
13, The Formation and Evolution of Star Clusters |
Page: |
366 |
Authors: |
Bridges, Terry J.; Hanes, David A. |
Abstract: |
We have carried out deep CCD photometry of the globular cluster system of the Sombrero galaxy (M104) at the prime focus of the CFHT. The spatial distribution of the rich cluster system does not match that of the underlying halo light, with the former being rather less centrally concentrated. The turnover in the luminosity function (LF) is not detected, which implies either that M104 is significantly more distant than has long been believed or that the LF in M104 is unlike that in the spiral galaxies of the Local Group. We stress, however, that the analysis is as yet complete only for our frames taken in moderate seeing; the full reduction of our deeper best-seeing frames may lead us to modify these conclusions. |