Paper: |
Searching for a Cosmic String Through the Graviational Lens Effect: Japanese Virtual Observatory Science Use Case |
Volume: |
314, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XIII |
Page: |
46 |
Authors: |
Shirasaki, Y.; Mizumoto, Y.; Ohishi, M.; Yasuda, N.; Tanaka, M.; Honda, S.; Yahagi, H.; Nagashima, M.; Kosugi, G.; Kashikawa, N.; Matsuzaki, E.; Kakimoto, F.; Ogio, S. |
Abstract: |
This paper describes a method to search for cosmic strings using their unique gravitational effect, and its implementation to the Japanese Virtual Observatory (JVO). Grand unified theory predicts that super-heavy cosmic strings with linear mass density of 1022 g/cm were produced at a phase transition in the early universe. The lensing effect by a long straight object can be characterized by undistorted double images which are almost co-aligned in a direction of the string network and distributed in a very large scale. Because of its large scale nature, wide field deep survey is crucial for its discovery, and also the automatic detection system is required to survey the large amount of deep sky data. We have constructed databases of Subaru Suprime-Cam catalog/image for selected areas and applied our search method on the JVO prototype. |