Paper: |
Automated Reduction and Analysis of Images from Multiple Data Archives |
Volume: |
314, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XIII |
Page: |
444 |
Authors: |
OTuairisg, S.; Butler, R.; Golden, A.; Shearer, A.; Voisin, B.; Micol, A. |
Abstract: |
We are developing an automated image reduction and analysis pipeline for WFI (Wide Field Imager, mounted on the 2.2-m MPG/ESO telescope at La Silla) and HST/WFPC2 images to complement Querator, the custom search-engine which accesses the astronomical image archives based at the ST-ECF/ESO centre in Garching, Germany. The image reduction and analysis is performed using an 40-processor Origin SGI based at NUI, Galway. To increase our dataset we complement the reduction and analysis of WFI archival images with the analysis of pre-reduced co-spatial HST/WFPC2 images, and hope to include other archives as data sources. Our pipeline includes image reduction, registration, astrometry and photometry stages. We describe how we overcome such problems as missing or incorrect image meta-data, interference fringing, poor image calibration files, etc, and we discuss how such a pipeline can benefit astrophysical research, specifically the long-term optical variability of Brown Dwarfs. The pipeline was written using tasks contained in the IRAF environment, and linked together with Unix Shell Scripts and Perl. |