Paper: |
GAMMS: a Multigrid-AMR Code for Computing Gravitational Fields |
Volume: |
314, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XIII |
Page: |
670 |
Authors: |
Gheller, C.; Sartoretto, F.; Guidolin, M. |
Abstract: |
This paper describes our GAMMS (Gravitational Adaptive Mesh Multigrid Solver) code, which is a numerical gravitational solver, based upon a multigrid (MG) algorithm and a local refining mesh strategy (AMR, Adaptive Mesh Refinement). MG allows for an efficient ad accurate evaluation of the gravitational field, while AMR provides high resolution computations exactly where needed. GAMMS is an open source code which takes advantage of the open source, based upon MPI, DAGH parallel library. Our code can be easily integrated with both N-body and fluid-dynamics code, in order to perform high resolution astrophysical simulations. |