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Paper: Scientific Computing in the 1990s---an Astronomical Perspective
Volume: 52, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems II
Page: 184
Authors: Adorf, Hans-Martin
Abstract: The compute performance, storage capability, and degree of networking of modern computer hardware have enormously progressed in the past decade. These hardware advances are not paralleled by an equivalent increase in software productivity and usability. Bridging this gap, i.e., effectively harnessing the new computer technologies, is required to analyze the increasingly complex scientific data sets, including those from astronomical observatories. While helping to gain full value from investment in astronomical facilities and personnel, a breakthrough in astronomical software could advance the art of computing on a broad front. A discussion forum is proposed to determine the characteristics of the software shortfall, to delineate technical and programmatic opportunities for realizing the full power of computer hardware, and to clarify the benefits that might accrue from a software initiative in astronomy.
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