Paper: |
The Period-Radius and Period-Luminosity Relations of Cepheid Variables From a Near-Infrared Surface Brightness Technique |
Volume: |
135, A Half Century of Stellar Pulsation Interpretations: a Tribute to Arthur N. Cox |
Page: |
109 |
Authors: |
Gieren, W.; Fouque, P.; Gomez, M. |
Abstract: |
We have used the near-infrared surface brightness technique of Fouque and Gieren (1997) to derive the distances and radii of a set of 35 galactic Cepheids which are typically accurate to 1 3 percent. From these data, and using the best reddening determinations available in the literature from FernieUs database, we derive the period-luminosity relations in the V, I, and K bands, as well as the Cepheid period-radius relation. In all of the bands studied, our period-luminosity relations show smaller dispersions than in any previous study, presumably due to the improved accuracy in the distances and in the reddenings. We show that the V, V-K, and K, J-K versions of our infrared surface brightness method yield identical radius and distance results, and that our radii are in excellent agreement over the whole period range from 4-40 days with the infrared radii of Laney and Stobie derived from the maximum likelihood technique. This indicates that the question of the true Cepheid period-radius relation is now settled. |