Paper: |
Continuum and Emission Line Correlations in AGN |
Volume: |
290, Active Galactic Nuclei: from Central Engine to Host Galaxy |
Page: |
607 |
Authors: |
Dietrich, M.; Hamann, F.; Shields, J.; Constantin, A.; Vestergaard, M. |
Abstract: |
We report on the analysis of a large quasar sample (∼750), covering a redshift range from z = 0 to 5 and nearly 6 orders of magnitude in continuum luminosity. Correlations of continuum and emission line properties in the ultraviolet and optical spectral range will be discussed. The well established Baldwin-effect is detected for almost all emission lines from OVI1034 to [OIII]5007. The anti-correlation provides evidence that the strength of the Baldwin-effect is related to the ionization energy of the individual ions. Furthermore, indications of a curvature in the relation will be discussed in the framework of evolutionary models assuming an anisotropic and luminosity dependent SED of the continuum. |