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Paper: The General Technique of the Research of Historical Sites in the Astronomical Coordinates
Volume: 409, Cosmology Across Cultures
Page: 469
Authors: Polyakov, O.
Abstract: The necessity of the research of historical sites in various astronomical coordinates is a topical matter these days because recently there has been even no denial of the idea that ancient people knew the starry heaven very well due to their worship of celestial forces and their solid perception of Cosmos. That is why not only newly-discovered sites are to be subject to a full archeological and astronomical research but also those which were discovered long ago which were mot studied in terms of the presence of astronomical coordinates in them. The common archeological and astronomical research is reduced to the study in the Horizontal Polar astronomical coordinates when the positions of celestial bodies are analyzed above the horizon. However it is not enough for a full astronomical analysis of historical sites. Some bodies are left unexplained because they belong to other astronomical coordinates: Polar – Equatorial, Ecliptic, Galactic or Zenithal – Vertical or Horizontal.
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