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Paper: Aladin: An Open Source All-Sky Browser
Volume: 442, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XX (ADASSXX)
Page: 683
Authors: Boch, T.; Oberto, A.; Fernique, P.; Bonnarel, F.
Abstract: Aladin, developed over 10 years at CDS, has evolved from a simple sky atlas to become a rich and powerful portal able to access, visualize and manipulate images and catalog data. Aladin is widely used in the Virtual Observatory community and beyond. Version 7 of Aladin is open source, and recent developments have been focused on enabling all-sky browsing targeted towards real scientific usage. Hierarchical, multi-resolution image surveys, density maps and catalogs have been created for popular datasets (DSS and Sloan images; Simbad and 2MASS catalogs data, for instance). Users can also easily build their own all-sky sphere from a set of local FITS images and share it through a simple URL link. Aladin features can be extended by external plugins. An SED (Spectral Energy Distribution) plugin, combining fluxes extracted from calibrated images and fluxes in VizieR photometric catalogs has been developed and is available.
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