Paper: |
Planck LFI Data Processing During Instrument Calibration Tests |
Volume: |
351, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XV |
Page: |
287 |
Authors: |
Morisset, N.; Rohlfs, R.; Tuerler, M.; Maris, M.; Fogliani, S.; Dupac, X.; Zacchei, A.; Mennella, A.; Maino, D. |
Abstract: |
The qualification model of the Low Frequency Instrument (LFI) of the Planck satellite was tested and calibrated during several weeks at Laben, Milan, Italy. The level 1 pipeline system (the Demonstration Model) was used to receive the data from the instrument, decode the telemetry packets, decompress the data and store the data in FITS files. Graphical tools have been developed to visualize the scientific and housekeeping data and display them in real time. The same tools are also used to display the archived data. Hereafter, we present the level 1 data processing software components, the display tools and the upgrades needed for the creation of the Operations Model, that will be used during the Planck operations period. |