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Paper: A Software System with VSO
Volume: 351, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XV
Page: 383
Authors: Lin, G.; Su, J.
Abstract: We are designing a set of software on archive management, Huairou data calibrating, and other data processing function, etc. Huairou vector magnetic field data is widely used by the solar physics community. But users propose that providing calibrating programs and processing Huairou data function will be benefitial to use and produce scientific results. The set of software is a component of the Chinese Virtual Solar Observatories (CVSO), is integrated in CVSO and includes a web interface. Another major bonus is the existence of an extensive software package collected by our experiment team and the plan to develop a software package, freely and readily available to help to analyze data, and through these active data archives with CVSO, VSO, or EGSO may offer an exceptional opportunity for anybody to conduct solar physics.
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