Paper: |
The CDS Cross-Match Service |
Volume: |
461, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXI |
Page: |
291 |
Authors: |
Boch, T.; Pineau, F.; Derriere, S. |
Abstract: |
The CDS has released a cross-match service allowing astronomers to cross-identify sources between very large catalogues (up to 1 billion rows) or between a user-uploaded list of positions and a large catalogue. This service has been built on top of the methods described at ADASS 2010 in (Pineau et al. 2011), which are based on a dedicated binary table file format and the HEALPix pixelisation associated to specialized k-d trees.
Popular cross-identifications, such as SDSS vs. 2MASS, are pre-computed in order to accelerate these queries.
We will present the architecture of the service, whose core relies on an implementation of the UWS (Universal Worker Service) pattern, a Virtual Observatory standard for asynchronous, stateful services.
Scalability is achieved thanks to a distribution of the different crossmatch jobs on a set of workers.
Users interact with the service through a Web interface.
Results of the cross-match are stored on the user personal storage space, backed up by iRODS.
In this paper, we present the architecture of the service, and the current user interface. We will also show the performances we manage to achieve and discuss our hardware choice, in term of RAM and hard disk drive. |