Paper: |
Exo-space Weather in the Era of the ngVLA |
Monograph: |
7, Science with a Next Generation Very Large Array |
Page: |
229 |
Authors: |
Osten, R. A.; Crosley, M. K.; Hallinan, G. |
Abstract: |
A forward-looking facility such as the next generation Very Large Array (ngVLA) requires forward-looking science. The ngVLA will enable stellar wind detections or robust constraints on upper limits sufficient to bridge the gap between current radio upper limits on cool stellar mass loss and current indirect estimates of stellar mass loss from astrospheric measurements. This will aid in understanding the interplay between the rotational spindown of stars and wind mass loss rates, important for an understanding not just of stellar astrophysics but the impact on planet formation and planetary dynamos. Radio observations are currently the only way to explore accelerated particles in cool stellar environments. The upgraded sensitivity of the ngVLA will enable the detection and characterization of essentially all classes of radio-active cool stars in the galaxy. This will open up new fields of study and contribute to the understanding of the stellar contribution to exo-space weather, especially with the emphasis on sensitivity above a frequency of about 10 GHz, where the transition to optically thin gyrosynchrotron emission occurs. These topics connect and extend the key science topics in the cradle of life, in an area which there is both high academic as well as popular interest, and which is expected to continue into the next several decades. |