Paper: |
Gaia Archive for Data Release 2: Expanding the Astronomical Phase Space |
Volume: |
522, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXVII |
Page: |
307 |
Authors: |
Salgado, J.; nez, J. G.; Gutiérrez-Sánchez, R.; Segovia, J. C.; Durán, J.; Racero, E.; Bakker, J.; Mora, A.; Baines, D.; Merín, B.; Arviset, C. |
Abstract: |
The current Gaia Archive @ ESAC, developed by the ESDC (ESAC Science Data Center) for the Data Release 1, has obtained a high number of users, accesses and science user scenarios fulfilled. This archive, with an advanced query mode based on TAP+ (extension of the IVOA Tabular Access Protocol allowing the creation of user schemas and connections to VO protocols) allows the exploration of a huge catalogue of one million sources with fast queries and a quite simple user interface presentation. Also, visualisation packages are within and connected to the archive to provide statistics and views of the archive content in an easy manner.
However, with the Data Release 2, the Gaia project will provide an unprecedented catalogue with the Five-parameter astrometric solutions (around 109) (2D position, parallax and proper motions). Also, radial velocities will be provided for the brighter sources. All this information requires a new way to consume it and a real challenge from the Science Archiving point of view. New developments and new techniques, based on parallel systems, are being implemented to consume this new data and to prepare the infrastructure for the data release 3, that will contain epoch data (spectral and time series) for most of the sources. |