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Paper: Localizations of electromagnetic counterparts and gravitational-wave signals: a new Python plug-in for Aladin
Volume: 535, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXXI
Page: 291
Authors: Bartolomei, A.; Cartechini, E.; Greco, G.; Travasso, F.
Abstract: We describe a new plug-in for the Aladin Desktop software to analyze 3D sky maps of gravitational-wave sources. Aladin is the most used VO (Virtual Observatory) software for digitized astronomical images and gravitational-wave sky maps visualizer. Extending its functionalities is challenging and helps in developing astronomical technical standards, as IVOA (International Virtual Observatory Alliance) promotes. Here, a Python algorithm has been developed to allow any Aladin user to immediately receive information about the probability distributions of having a gravitational-wave source along a line of sight in any given position of the sky map, just by clicking on that pixel.
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