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Paper: Visfit: a Julia programming language package for fitting radio interferometry visibility data
Volume: 535, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXXI
Page: 445
Authors: Barrett, P. E.
Abstract: An alternative to using the CLEAN algorithm to measure the flux density of sources in radio interferometry images is to fit the visibility (or UV) data directly using a parametrized model, such as a delta or gaussian function. Several modules or packages currently exist for doing this fitting. However, each package has its limitations, e.g., a limited number of shapes, a limited number of sources, a single Stokes parameter per source, or no frequency dependence. Because of these various limitations, a new package was developed called Visfit using the Julia programming language. Visfit is fast (∼ 10 seconds per solution), flexible (no model limitations), and sensitive (≈ 20% more than CLEAN). Part of its flexibility is due to Julia’s piping operator which decouples the source function from the Stokes parameters. Visfit is currently limited to reading Measurement Set data using the CASA Tables library.
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